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GOD's FIRE 1 - A Pocket of Fire


GOD's FIRE: A Pocket of Fireā€¦. A Nation on Fire?

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A documentary film on GOD's Revival Fire among indigenous Australians in North Australia, and its impact on the nations            Run time: 68 minutes

During the 1930s, a man came from the Welsh revival to North Queensland and bought a farm at Pinnacle Pocket, near Atherton. He employed local Aborigines & Islanders and developed relationships with them, passing on some of the Welsh Revival fire to them.

Around the same time another preacher came to indigenous people on the coast at nearby Innisfail, with similar results.

Repentance and prayer were key aspects of this movement. This fired up many crusades and conventions, and sent out an amazing number of powerful Christian leaders across the nation.

People were totally transformed, and their zeal for God and passion in prayer resulted in many miracles. Illiterate people could suddenly read the Bible. The blind were healed, lame walked, and even the dead were raised.

The story shows what GOD can do when missionaries, pastors and other Christians reach out, empower and then trust and release indigenous people to take GOD's FIRE to the world.

Pocket of Fire tells this remarkable story for the first time, showing the development of these indigenous churches, and traces the stories of some of these leaders and their passion for God.

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